Workout Plans Details

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Chest and Shoulder Blast

Workout Summary

Main Goal Build Muscle
Category Chest
Workout Type Muscle Building (Hypertrophy)
Training Level Intermediate Level
Program Duration 40 to 45 Mins
Unique Exercises 5
Total Circuit 1
Equipment Required Leverage machine, Barbell, Barbell, Barbell, Barbell

Workout Description

This workout focuses on blasting the chest and shoulders with a mix of compound and isolation exercises. It includes variations like the Barbell Incline Bench Press for upper chest development and Barbell Front Raise and Pullover for targeting the shoulders and chest from different angles.

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Barbell Incline Bench Press 4 8 sec 90 sec
Barbell Front Raise and Pullover 3 12 sec 60 sec
Barbell Wide Bench Press 3 8 sec 60 sec
Assisted Chest Dip (kneeling) 3 12 sec 60 sec
Barbell Decline Wide-grip Press 3 8 sec 60 sec


Comments (412)

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2 days ago

This is really great! I fully agree with what you wrote, and this is sure to help me out in the future. Thank you for posting this.

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Cherish Kerr

3 days ago

Took the words right out of my mouth!

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Zayn Hartley

3 days ago

Beautiful combination of colors!

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Olli Hawkins

2 days ago

This is really great! I fully agree with what you wrote, and this is sure to help me out in the future. Thank you for posting this.